No longer great

In Britain, an 'interfaith' commission including Moslems and Jews as well as putative Christians has decided that ''their'' country is no longer Christian, and that Anglicanism should be removed from public life as the official religion.

"The Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life document says:

• Faith schools are “socially divisive” and the selection of children on the basis of their beliefs should be phased out

The number of Church of England bishops in the Lords should be replaced with imams, rabbis and other non-other non-Christian clerics as well as evangelical pastors

• Acts of worship in school assemblies need to be be abolished and replaced with a “time for reflection”

• The coronation service for the next monarch ought to be overhauled to include other faiths

• Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s should include non-religious messages."
[All emphasis above is mine]

Most Americans have been weaned on the idea that a state-established religion is bad, and therefore most might agree with this decision on its face, but into the vacuum left by the removal of Anglicanism, something will appear, and considering the way members of a certain faith aggressively throw their weight around, we can guess which religion(s) will dominate.

And it's true that Anglicanism, or at least its public face in the UK, is an empty shell of its former self, what with a self-identified Druid, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and other New-Agey types dominating, it's still a shame to see this. Britain at its peak of prestige and prosperity was a strongly Christian country, producing great men of faith like Bunyan, Milton, Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis. Sad.

Oh, but there's more to the Commission's recommendations:

"... the report also calls for a rethink of anti-terror policy, including allowing students to voice radical views on campus without fear of being reported to the security services.

And it recommends new protections for women in Sharia courts and other religious tribunals — including a call for the government to consider requiring couples who have a non-legally binding religious marriage also to have a civil registration."

The people of once-Great Britain will probably have to see things grow much worse before they realize that this slow takeover of the country by strangers must be opposed and reversed. Otherwise the historic peoples of the British Isles will be nations without countries, occupied by hostile outsiders. The same situation obtains in all Western countries, whether the sleepwalking native populace realizes it or not.
It's past time to wake up.

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